DVR Suggestion - Set Live Recording Time

 I've noticed that live stations in Directv Now have some show listings to record, but not all shows on the networks. I would like to see a feature where you could set a recording time for either once or on a regular schedule to record the network for a set time--example: to set the dvr to record CNN each day at 2pm for 2 hours.



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    Tyler Boone

    Good suggestion! Reminds me of VCR days!


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    Jose Rodriguez

    I agree.  I suggested that on a support ticket.  They said they're looking into it.

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    Aaron Johnson

    i agree with the suggestion for direct tv live tv,

    though this suggest could apply to other live tv things including:  

    hulu live tv, ps vue, youtube tv and comcast instant tv as well

    cause as many streaming services start to come in ,

    we have to think ahead with adding features in case these services are added 

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    Glen Stern

    Great suggestion, I am also a DIRECTV NOW customer. This is a much needed feature to make PLAYON more like a DVR.

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    Joseph Wiseman

    Okay, same comments here.  Also have Directv Now, and specifically paired this program with that access to record programs that I cannot watch live.  But, this program requires me to start the recording when the show is on.  At that point, it's better for me to just watch the show.

    Without it, I bought this program for no reason and wasted my money, to put it bluntly.  Additionally, I have many other people that I have mentioned the program to and will gladly sing it's praises if this particular aspect could be fixed, that would mean more $$ for your team.

    Thanks for looking into this.

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    Right On

    The ability to schedule the Playmark recordings is a badly needed feature. For those of us that use "watch.spectrum/tv" browser app and other apps from other providers similar it, schedule feature would dramatically increase how much we use PlayOn. Why? Becuase with out PlayOn there is currently no easy way, actually no way at all, to DVR live tv with in the "provider stream TV" brower app. Thank god for PlayOn. However, if I want to record a live tv program and its a channel that PlayOn has no plugin for. Then my choice is to try to record it manually, set a alarm or something to remind myself to start the program on time. It's a real drag for sure.

    Ideally the feature would use the "Watch Later" and Favorite Shows" tabs in the provider app as to allow simple season recording. This feature would fill in the gap that subscriber tv stream only packages are missing. The ability to schedule and record entire seasons on any channel in the "watch.Spectrum/tv" browser app. This feature would allow leveraging the providers grid-guide DVR functionality, plus PlayOn's powerful features and , more importantly, turn on a lot more folks to PlayOn.  


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    Ron Nelson

    This would solve a lot of problems for me. The main reason I have PlayOn is to record many hours of live Tennis. I simply cannot watch tennis all day, and if I can record it, it provides great viewing while I exercise. So I have access to DirecTVnow and/or SlingTV (tried both) to get ESPN via Playon, but as pointed out by others, I would have to manually click the record button at the start of each show. The Australian Open is in January. ESPN live coverage begins at 3:00am EST. I really don't want to set my alarm for 3am, but I desperately want to see that Tournament, as well as the French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open. It's why I bought PlayOn. PLEASE add a way to do this!!!!

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    David S.

    There's a workaround for starting a live recording at a certain time. The off-peak recording option (in basic or advanced mode) can be used to delay the start of live recordings. So you pause your queue and then add a live stream to it, but then set the off-peak to not start until you want and then resume (un-pause) the queue.

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    Stuart Wilson

    That work around above has a lot of limitations, but it does suggest that live scheduling ought to be doable. I agree that the ability to schedule recordings of live programs would be an awesome new feature. An even better feature would be to somehow integrate the DirecTVNow live schedule into the PlayOn app in such a way that you could choose future programs (maybe even multiple future programs) to be recorded.

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    Ron Nelson

    Stuart, I totally agree. Using the off-peak recording option is far too limited to work well for this. Among other things, with live recording of sports (again, tennis is my target), the video length is not known by PlayOn. Even with Sling.tv (which I have had to use), recording replays via ESPN3 shows random video lengths that are not accurate - sometimes not even close. I know DirecTVNow is planning to offer a cloud DVR soon, but my understanding is ESPN will not be included at all. Too bad. So for now, I'll have to hope that DirecTVNow adds ESPN3 to their basic package so I can use PlayOn to record replays, or I'll have to subscribe sporadically to Sling.tv as I do now, and record replays that way. Or maybe PlayOn will add start/end times for scheduled live recording. So many options, and no easy solution ... yet. I remain ever-hopeful!

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    Lyle Barrow

    This feature is needed badly....The ability to set a future time to record a specific channel for a length of time....AKA a "start time" and "end time" of a live tv recording. Please add this...

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