When will we be able to record Paramount content, as it appears CBS and Paramount have merged
David S. CBS All Access has been rebranded as "Paramount+" (aka "Paramount Plus"). I think they plan on expanding their library of content as well.
Nancy Wgh CBS All Access sent out messages to all of their streaming customers that they would be rebranding as Paramount+ on March 4. They sent out coupon codes to get a full year at half price which I eagerly agreed to as we watch far more stuff on CBS than anywhere else and we gave up cable because we can get most local stations OTA. However we can't get CBS or CW reliably over the air. I figured with PlayOn this won't be that big of an issue but... well... now I can't record anything new from CBS. PlayOn should have had as much warning as customers like me at least that this change was coming though until the change happened I suppose they wouldn't know what changes to make coding wise. Their radio silence on the issue is maddening though. As far as more content I suppose there is but there is nothing that makes me all that excited. All of the Star Trek TV and Movie universe are now held by Paramount once again. Yippie. I'd rather be able to see my CBS content as I used to be able to do!
mitch grunes I can't help with that, but a lot of Star Trek is now on Disney+ (disneyplus.com), which works fine with PlayOn.
Patrick Lumpkins I'm finding I'm unable to log onto Paramount+ using PlayOn home. I keep getting the message that the username and password aren't correct yet I can log onto it using any browser with the same login information. Is anyone else having this issue and how are you resolving it? I put in a ticket for it and was told the developers were working on it but my ticket was marked as resolve without any additional information. I had to resubmit another ticket.
Steed FunEntertainment Patrick, You are not alone. I have had the same paramountplus issue with PlayOn Home since May 25th (It was working fine before). My ticket (#560724) was also marked "solved". I submitted a follow-up today 6/10. Let me know if you hear anything on your 2nd ticket.
Tom Hogan I'm having this same problem with Playon and Paramount Plus. Submitted my first ticket on May 24, was told they were working on this issue, installed the latest update and still having this problem.
Christopher Guay Did this get resolved ? no update from 6/16/2022??