Create a more fully-featured Android app for use on OUYA.


Since this project has effectively gone viral and interest for it is so high, it's inevitable now that an Android-based TV-integrated system is coming, and soon. PlayOn has been an early-adopting market disruptor so getting in on the ground floor here seems like a no-brainer.

I think it would be wise to consider creating a fully-fleshed out Android app specifically for OUYA, Google TV, etc. ...one that isn't hamstrung by a tiny mobile screen.


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    PlayOn Support (Chris)

    If the Ouya becomes a real product, we will be able to see what it is capable of at that time. Until then, nothing can be planned.

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    Ross Sims

    Ouya became a real product!  Yay!  So are there plans now?  Not to wake up a dead post, but this one seems to be asking to be resurrected.

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    PlayOn Support (Chris)

    We do not have anything planned at this time. However, you can connect to PlayOn from an Ouya via XBMC.

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