Suggestion: At the end of watching a transcoded show (via playon), I wish for a button that
would read "Save Copy to Play Later".
PlayOn Support (Chris) This would be great, but there's no way for you to interact with the video from your video player, so we wouldn't be able to add a button like this to the video or present you with one at the end. However, you can use the record option in the PlayOn Mobile app and on other devices (like Roku players) to record a video with PlayLater. Select the video you want to record and select the option have PlayLater record it.
Dennis Garber Well, you could put playlater into the "cache all video for 24 or 48 hour mode" where it would automatically piece together the video parts, save all the shows to a "Last 24/48" folder. Then just auto delete anything expired.
Or else, add a "Watch Now (& Save 24 Hr Copy)" option below, "Watch Now".
The reason, is that in the real world, a real Playon user will have every intention to finish a movie or show; and will want instant satisfaction of watching a video. The reality (contrary to intentions) is that the real Playon user will fall asleep or get interrupted. Also, may realize they will want to watch it again (or show to another family member. Also, another reality is that many sources of video are not very reliable (a mere roll of the die)--which is why we buy Playlater in first place (as most of us do not constantly travel).
Dennis Garber A stop gap option too would be to allow us to fire up playlater after watching a show and have button "Record last viewed show from Playon, ".