I rent movies from VidAngel.com. It would be awesome to be able to record them for offline viewing. I've tried playmark recording, which sort of works; it just doesn't record the whole thing, just a section of the movie, then it stops (maybe the app thinks the video is done?). If you could polish the settings for this website so the recordings wouldn't drop prematurely, that would be AWESOME!
David Marrow I would like VidAngel support as well!
Dean Ingraham Please add this.
Will Barton please add vidAngel
Kent Rogers Please add VidAngel support! VidAngel now uses Amazon Prime and Netflix movie streams while allowing users to set filters to make the movie more appropriate. PlayOn support for this would be very well received and would attract many many new PlayOn users. Thank you!
Devin Sain Please add vidangel support. I would pay extra for the support
David S. Remember to click the up-vote button to the left of the request title.
VidAngel notes that watching via a web browser doesn't work very well currently: https://vidangel.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/234972507-Laptop-Desktop
I'm glad to see VigAngel is working on adding Vudu support as well.
Alex11chr Adding VidAngel would be huge!!!! PLEASE!
Joseph Eaton Yes, please!!!!!
Andy Ash Ditto!
Preston P. Barker This would be awesome!
Kent Rogers It's been a year. Is there any update from the PlayOn staff about adding support for VidAngel? There would be a surge of PlayOn signups!
Michael Giddy up!
Allen Rasmussen This would be a great addition! Please add this!
Bruce Any update on this? Either a direct way or playmark not stopping early? (might possible be that it interprets the VidAngel filtering as the end of the movie or show).
Richard Markette Please add! Yes another vote for VidAngel support
Daniel Stoddard Would really... really appreciate vidangel support
Dave M I agree with those above. Working with VidAngel would enhance my PlayOn experience.
Richard Markette I doubt this will ever happen - at least not officially. Since VidAngel is in a legal battle with several studios (as you guys probably already know), and a major point of concession that VidAngel is using to get studios on board is that no permanent copy of the content is created. Such a channel for PlayOn would bypass that concession so there would be no way that VidAngel would be able to allow this. So we would have to hope that an independent developer can come up with a private, unsupported channel for this.
Parley Williams I have had good luck using Jaksta Media Recorder. It does cost $50 but has worked well for me to record VidAngel movies. Hope that helps.