any updates to enable recording of closed captioning for Amazon Prime Video?

Hi all, brand new and so far loving the program.  BUT the lack of closed captioning for amazon prime is a huge bummer.  I have read about the mixed results using the work around.  I also noted it seems to be for a PC, not a mac.  

I have an iphone, a macbook pro and an imac.  Is there any way to record amazon prime videos with closed captioning as of March 2019?  

thank you for any help.... JW


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    Karenh House

    This USED to work -- now it doesn't.

    On this "support" page -- https://support.playon.tv/hc/en-us/articles/217131197-Enabling-Closed-Captions-for-Hulu-Netflix-and-other-channels -- which is entitled "Enabling Closed Captions for Hulu, Netflix and other channels," it begins, "PlayOn records the videos as they play in a browser. Unfortunately, in most cases, it's not possible to enable captions."  BUT THAT MAKES NO SENSE, because when I pay Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. videos IN ANY OF MY BROWSERS, captioning is always ON.  So I wish they would clarify WHY it doesn't work when it is clearly SUPPOSED to, and it USED to.

    For me, especially while recording British series, I need the captioning, and the videos are almost useless without it.  PLAYON NEEDS TO FIX THIS.

    In addition, on that same "support" page, it gives a work-around for Hulu and Netflix -- you need to download a file.  The file CAN work, BUT Hulu and  Netflix see it as a SECOND PERSON watching, which means if your plan is for 1 stream at a time (as mine is for both channels), it won't work.  I have told Playon about this issue but they have never replied.  I would have to pay more to get 2 streams at a time -- which I don't need!! -- in order for the file to MAYBE work.  So it is NOT a work-around without paying more money every month!  It's INCREDIBLY frustrating that Playon will not fix these things that MANY people have complained about!

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    From Support:




    PlayOn Support (Bill) (Support Center)

    Aug 4, 12:56 EDT

    Hi ,

    Unfortunately, at this time, closed captioning in the Amazon channel is not supported in PlayOn. We're working on adding support, but do not have an ETA at this time. We're sorry to disappoint.

    Best regards,

    PlayOn Support

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    Still waiting for this to be fixed.  How many years has it been?

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    gj maas

    Amazon prime channel doesnt work at all now,error code 502,unable to login.

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    I recently complained that ABC, PBS and other channels no longer record subtitles.

    This is the explanation I got.



    PlayOn Support (Bill) (Support Center)

    Feb 21, 21:47 EST


    Again, PlayOn officially supports captions for channels where the option to enable or disable subtitles for that particular channel is available in the Channels tab of PlayOn Settings. ABC again does not currently support subtitles at this time in PlayOn. We are working on adding support for subtitles for more channels, but do not have an any ETA at this time.

    Best regards,

    PlayOn Support

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