I already have a Roku, what will PlayOn do for me?
FollowPlayOn offers many advantages. For instance, while the official Hulu channel requires a paid Hulu subscription to watch any Hulu videos, PlayOn allows you to watch Hulu free on your Roku. Also, some Hulu shows are web-only and not available at all using the official Roku Hulu channel. These web-only shows are accessible with PlayOn. If you do have a paid Hulu subscription, PlayOn supports that, too...and you can stream recordings to your Roku ad-free using the AdSkip feature.
PBS and CBS are other excellent examples. While the Roku's native PBS channel only offers a small rotating selection of PBS videos, PlayOn provides access to the entire PBS video archive available at PBS.org - literally hundreds more full episodes. PlayOn's CBS channel provides free access to full episodes of CBS shows – no CBS All Access needed! There are many other such examples. PlayOn provides free access to NBC, ABC, Fox, SpikeTV, Comedy Central, VH1, MTV just to name a few.
PlayOn also allows you to record videos. You can transfer recordings to most any device to watch while completely offline...or you can stream your recordings to your TV or mobile device using PlayOn, ad-free with PlayOn's AdSkip feature! In addition to the channels included with PlayOn, there are many 3rd party plugins available at our own PlayOn Plugin Channel Store and at other 3rd party sites such as www.playonscripts.com.
PlayOn also includes the PlayOn browser extension which will allow you to mark, cast, or record virtually any online video directly from your browser. You can learn more by clicking the PlayMark link in your dashboard.
HOw do I access HULU via Playon? Do I still need to pay for a monthly HULU account?
www.playonscripts.com is no longer valid
I have Roku and use Playon to watch videos on TV from my computer. It worked for a week, now everytime I try playing a video, after 5 seconds the video stops playing. How can I solve this issue?
"while the official Hulu channel requires a paid Hulu subscription to watch any Hulu videos, PlayOn allows you to watch Hulu free on your Roku."
How so? Is there a how-to guide somewhere? TIA