Add Philo to the channel list.
Kevin Ferguson Yes this new service would be great to dvr
Brian Lux Agreed, would be very helpful
Tommy Smith YES...that would be great!
jon verreaux Philo support would make PlayOn worth it again since playon has been cutting the channels it supports.
Matthew Smollinger This please.
Woolbright, Michael Yes, please add Philo
dawn jamieson please add Philo
Pete Boguszewski Agreed, this would be an excellent addition to the plugin list.
Scott B Another bump for philo.
Patricia Lange Philo + PlayOn would answer my TV recording dreams. I've found four topics spanning almost two years of messages from people requesting Philo and no answer or comment from the powers that be. Is there a reason Philo is NOT supported?
Brian M Yes please!
Playon with Philo would give me so many more possibilities for recording channels.
Carrie Johnston How come there are so many threads requesting Philo but no one acknowledges this at Playon?
Scott "Yes on Philo. Definitely a good add. Also curious if these suggestions ever really get to the production/scheduling/review team at PlayOn..."
This, please. Acknowledgement of the request at minimum.