Playlists, or at least Auto-Play Next in Mobile App

On the PS3, when playing media within My Media, I can hit play on the first track of an album (or the first video in a given folder), and it when the first one ends, it will move on automatically to the next file.

Within the mobile app (at least the Android app), this does not happen. I have to back out to the file list and manually select the next file. This makes playing albums of music, or TV series difficult and clunky.

Ideally, I would love the ability to create customized playlists directly within the mobile app, and then have playback options such as randomize, repeat, etc. But at its most basic, I would really like the ability for the mobile app to simply move on to the next file within a given My Media folder.


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    Josh Russell

    I would like to see this feature in the traditional app (non-mobile).  It would be great to be able to pull together content from multiple channels into a custom lineup.  This would make it much easier to watch several episodes of a favorite show, or create a list of diverse episodes from multiple content providers.

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    PlayOn Support (Chris)

    We would love to make this possible, but a DLNA media server, like PlayOn, requires your devices to request each file individually. It's just how DLNA works. Certain devices can do this automatically, like the PS3 with the Sequential playback option, but your Android device cannot. It's unlikely this will become possible to do, at least not anytime soon. You will still have to select a file when you want to play it.

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