Change recording directory location

How do I change the recording directory location on my Windows Playon Downloader?

There's no "Topic" for dowloading videos, only help for recording videos..

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    Ed Rodatus

    Found my answer on reddit:


    Here are some detailed instructions:

    1. Go to your task bar and ^ show hidden icons
    2. Right-click on the PlayOn Cloud Downloader icon  
    3. Looks like this: (in dark theme)
    4. Select "Quit" to quit the PlayOn Cloud Downloader
    5. Create a directory where you want to store the PlayOn recordings such as "D:\PlayOn-Cloud-Recordings"
    6. Open elevated command prompt and run the following command replacing %username% with your username. (Maybe the %username% should work but it didn't seem to work for me)
    7. mklink /D "C:\Users\%username%\Videos\PlayOn Cloud Recordings" "D:\PlayOn-Cloud-Recordings"
    8. Restart the PlayOn CLoud Downloader
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