Can not record on Spectrum

Up until a few weeks ago, Playon worked using the Spectrum channel, even the dreaded AMC worked sometimes, but now I can't record anything through Spectrum.

I've tried using the current and previous versions of Playon, and I'm positive my login works too.  I can log in to Spectrum using either IE or Chrome and watch on demand and live tv.  I even tried to record the session through Chrome (playmark) but that failed as well.  It returns the error, "Could Not Record XXXX, Unknown Error."

Any ideas on how to get this fixed?


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    Joseph Kuehner

    I am seeing the same issue. Havne't been able to find a workaround yet. 

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    Larry Autry

    Same here. I thought something was wrong with my settings until I found your post. It follows that it recordings also fail with the Charter Channel. Tried that. 

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    zach shaw

    I've specifically purchased playon to be able to use with Spectrum and record and watch live TV like a DVR.  I've had tons of issues with it.  I had it working on and off over the last month or two while occasionally getting the error you described.  I've learned that clearing %PROGRAM DATA%/MEDIAMALL/CEF is pretty helpful and fixes it most of the time, however I got a brand new error.  Unable to browse folder, Your username and password are correct.  However live tv and on demand streaming is available on in the US and its territories.  Seems odd considering I'm in the US and have been using the service for months without this issue coming up.  No VPN installed within the network.  Will Spectrum be working/stable soon???

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    Thomas J Hicks

    I've been experiencing the same with Spectrum.  So I tried what Zach Shaw suggested and renamed the C:\ProgramData\MediaMall\CEF to CEF.BAK.    Amazing!  Worked!   But...alas, it's a work-a-round.

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    Joshua Tingle

    I've been super frustrated with PlayOn not recording any of the content from Spectrum/Charter/TWC and other various channel apps, not to mention the fact that there have been fewer and fewer channels available to even record FROM....  

    I am currently looking for alternatives, even though I paid for the premium service - but until something else comes up I thought I would try renaming the CEF folder to CEF.bak (as suggested above).  

    For whatever reason, this rename seems to have worked (so far).  It just started recording for the first time in MONTHS on the Spectrum channel.


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    Paul Young

    Supposedly was fixed 2 or 3 versions back but I'm still not able to record even with the work around above.

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    Jeffery Glenn

    I just spoke with support.   They said this has been discontinued.  What a load of horse crap!!!


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